In the beginning this blog was centered on San Francisco parks and open space issues with special emphasis on natural areas and natural history. Over time it began to range into other areas and topics. As you can see, it is eclectic, as I interlace it with topics of interest to me.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


After email conversation with Scott Wiener and with RecPark staff, I am now convinced that Wiener and other Supervisors are very committed to this bond, and they are doing what we expect of legislators--doing the necessary legislative maneuvering and compromising to make it happen.  It is not ideal, but there is no seriously damaging language, so I think we should all support it.  Coming to tomorrow's meeting is not urgent, but it is helpful, as are emails to Wiener et al in support of the bond.

To make my work easier, I am pasting here something my friend Linda Shaffer cobbled together for another group:

For those following the progress of the proposed 2012 SFRPD bond, an update:

    After a hiccup, a compromise (we hope) has been reached over the pot of money in the 2012 SFRPD bond proposal designated for capital improvements of trails on RPD land.  The effect of the compromise should be to separate discussion between the November bond ballot proposal from discussions of the Natural Areas Program and Management Plan (still to come, but after the Nov. election).  The proposal to place the bond on the Nov. ballot can once again move forward. 
    Hearings coming up:
        TOMORROW, June 21, 10 AM, Room 263, City Hall:  GAO (Government Audit and Oversight) Committee special meeting.  The 3 person committee (Farrell, Elsbernd, Chiu) is expected to approve amended wording.  Public comment will be allowed.

        NEXT Thursday, June 28, GAO Committee (again), regular meeting this time (presumably starting at 1 PM).  Required second hearing (any changes to any proposed legislation trigger a required additional week in committee).  Committee is expected to send the legislation forward to the entire BOS without comment. 

        Tuesday, July 10, first hearing at BOS.  No public comment allowed.

        Tuesday, July 17, second hearing at BOS and expected final approval to place bond proposal on Nov. ballot. 

    WARNING:  This was the first of what are expected to be many skirmishes involving those opposed to the Natural Areas Program.

        Thus far, Supervisors have received comment about the bond proposal mostly from opponents who see goblins lurking in the forest.  They need to hear from others who support the bond proposal.

        So, come to the GAO hearing tomorrow morning if you can.  Speak in support of the bond issue.   Bring your friends.  Mention how important it is for the Recreation and Parks Dept. to continue to find ways of catching up with years of postponed capital investment in our parks.   Mention any positive experiences you have had with projects carried out using funds from the 2008 bond.  Say you will vote Yes on the proposal in November.
        If you can't be there, send emails to Supervisors with a message in support of placing the bond issue on the Nov. ballot.  Say you will vote Yes on the bond proposal in Nov. 
        One way to do this:  
    *Compose a short pointed message.
    *Go to
    *Click on the name of each Supervisor to whom you wish to send the message, then on the individual Supervisor's web page, click on "Contact".  An email box will appear.  Insert required info and message. 
    *Send message. 
    *Return to BOS Home page and repeat.

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