1. Born 5 October 1713 - Denis Diderot, philosopher and author of Encyclopedie
2. Can even Republicans not stop Central Subway boondoggle? Fight continues
3. Surfriders fighting PG&E seismic tests threatening marine life
4. Lo Mejor de los Coleaderos 2012 - see video of steer tailing
5. The island Here is everywhere. Oh
6. Dan Liberthson poetry reading October 14
7. SF Nature Education Birding for Everyone 1st Saturdays - starts tomorrow
8. Proposition F - a potpourri to restore Yosemite
9. Barry Commoner
10. If you want to help save Kezar Gardens
11. Bartram Nursery, Nation's Oldest Botanical Garden
12. The Wisdom of Psychopaths - what they teach us about how to succeed
13. Feedback
14. Mountain Lake cleanup October 11 and 13
15. UCSF's Long Range Development Plan meeting Oct 10
16. Next NERT trainings
17. Nobel Prize (Ig, that is): Beware the Exploding Colon
1. Born 5 October 1713 - Denis Diderot, philosopher and author of Encyclopedie
“The aims of the encyclopedia seem harmless enough to us. But authoritarian governments don’t like dictionaries. They live by lies and bamboozling abstractions, and can’t afford to have words accurately defined.”
Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: 'My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly.' The stranger is a theologian. -Denis Diderot
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. — Denis Diderot
Excerpts from review in The Economist of A Wicked Company: The Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment by Philipp Blom:
(The philosophes) denied the existence of God or the soul. Echoing ancient thinkers such as Democritus and Lucretius, they held ideas that were to prove too revolutionary even for a revolutionary age...Their ideal nation would leave no room for what they saw as the twisted ethical code of Christianity, which they argued prized suffering and destructive self-repression.
Not only was their thinking radical, but expressing it was dangerous. Diderot was imprisoned for his writings, an experience, Mr Blom argues, that left him too scared to lay out his philosophy plainly, instead disguising it within numerous plays, novels and letters...... It is a tragedy of history, the author concludes, that Voltaire and Rousseau won the battle of ideas, whereas Diderot was reduced to the rank of editor of the encyclopedia, and Holbach was forgotten utterly.
Even today, and even in secular western Europe, the bald and confident atheism and materialism of Diderot and Holbach seems mildly shocking. We still cling stubbornly to the idea of an animating soul, a spiritual ghost in the biological machine. For Mr Blom, the modern, supposedly secular world has merely dressed up the “perverse” morality of Christianity in new and better camouflaged ways. We still hate our bodies, he says, still venerate suffering and distrust pleasure.
This is the message of Mr Blom’s book, hinted at but left unstated until the closing chapters. He believes the Enlightenment is incomplete, betrayed by its self-appointed guardians. Despite all the scientific advances of the past two centuries, magical thinking and the cultural inheritance of Christianity remain endemic.
Because of the Congressional process, the new Appropriations Continuing Resolution did not include House Amendments---such as the Amendment to prohibit funding for the Central Subway. This deal, cut by the House, Senate & White House, continues transportation funding for six months. Although SaveMuni.com is continuing to lobby Washington, the Federal Transit Administration is prepared to grant funding for the Central Subway---despite pending litigation and growing opposition.
But SaveMuni.com is continuing to fight. Throughout San Francisco’s history, San Franciscans have battled to stop bad projects to save the soul of the City. Confronting the power of the state, average citizens have stopped freeway construction in mid-flight, saved the Bay, preserved the waterfront, historic resources, affordability, diversity, neighborhoods and San Francisco’s uniqueness, character and economic underpinnings. We’ll keep you apprised of next steps. Meanwhile, your voice is important.
Central Subway LRT Project, San Francisco
The Central Subway worsens transportation within San Francisco and disconnects Market Street’s BART/ Metro Stations---for hundreds of thousands of local and regional riders. The project has falsified data, concealing elimination of the existing T-Line’s loop into the Market Street corridor. The Central Subway is draining hundreds of millions of dollars from the citywide Muni system---causing service cuts, increased fares/ fees/ fines/ meters, crumbling infrastructure, perpetual budget deficits….. Reviled by diverse opposition and litigation, the Central Subway is the major obstacle to creating a world-class public transit system---quickly and cheaply.
3. Surfrider Fights Seismic Tests
Surfrider Foundation (surfrider.org) is fighting to stop seismic testing slated to begin off the coast of Central California this November. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) proposes the tests to assess the susceptibility of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Generating Facility to seismic activity. A 240-foot ship would tow powerful air cannons along a 50-mile stretch of the Central Coast, shooting deafening underwater explosions (upwards of 250 decibels) every 13 seconds for 42 straight days. This would be catastrophic to local marine life, especially marine mammals, which rely on their sensitive auditory capabilities for communication and navigation. The takings permit for the project estimates the amount of wildlife that could be killed includes 15 blue whales; 13 humpback whales; 1,652 bottlenose dolphins; 1,062 California sea lions; 1,485 southern sea otters; and thousands of other marine mammals, along with untold scores of fish and birds. This potential loss of wildlife is even more staggering, considering it would impact areas specially designated to protect marine life. There is also significant concern that the air gun noise may threaten the health of ocean recreationalists in the testing zones, including divers, swimmers, and surfers. Surfrider has submitted comments to the California Coastal Commission, and encourages public opposition to the project at the commission meeting October 10 in Oceanside. (Surfrider is a nonprofit grassroots organization dedicated to protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, California, Surfrider has 250,000 supporters, activists, and members worldwide.)
Checking the CCC’s website it said that the agenda item for this on the Oct 10 commission meeting has been postponed.
4. Eric Mills:
See the message and video (steer tailing) below. It's only about two minutes long. I just sent it to all members of the Latino Caucus in Sacramento, as well as their Chiefs of Staff. Seems appropriate that one of them should carry the needed legislation, since it's only Mexican-Americans who practice this event in the United States.
So please study the video and the inherent abuse of this event, to animals and cowboys alike. Perhaps forward to your own legislator, and ask him/her to carry the bill in 2013. As noted, steer tailing was banned in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties in 1993, and by the State of Nebraska in 2009.
ALL LEGISLATORS MAY BE WRITTEN C/O THE STATE CAPITOL, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. Many will decide in October and November which bills they will carry next year.
Lo Mejor de los Coleaderos 2012
P.S. - And do see the documentary on PBS this Friday night: "Escaramuzas: Riding from the Heart."
Some fishermen pulled a bottle from the deep. It held a piece of paper,
with these words: "Somebody save me! I'm here. The ocean cast me on this desert island.
I am standing on the shore waiting for help. Hurry! I'm here!"
"There's no date. I bet it's already too late anyway.
It could have been floating for years," the first fisherman said.
"And he doesn't say where. It's not even clear which ocean," the second fisherman said.
"It's not too late, or too far. The island Here is everywhere," the third fisherman said.
They all felt awkward. No one spoke. That's how it goes with universal truths.
~ Wislawa Szymborska ~
(Poems New and Collected 1957-1997, trans. S. Baranczak and C. Cavanagh)
6. Dan Liberthson poetry reading October 14
I invite you to come and hear me read my poems on Sunday, October 14, 4:30 pm at the Inner Sunset Culture Club S.H.A.R.P. Meeting Space, 1736-9th Avenue near Moraga.
Poems will be drawn from my three published books, covering topics from the joy of living alongside pets and wild animals ("Animal Songs"), to the pain of growing up with a mentally ill sibling ("A Family Album"), and the great American game ("The Pitch is on the Way: Poems About Baseball and Life").
On August 30, Garrison Keillor read one of my baseball poems, “Child’s Play,” on A Writer’s Almanac public radio show (podcast at http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/index.php?date=2012/08/30). The reading will include a selection from my new book of poetry, "Morning and Begin Again," due out in October-November. "The Golden Spider," my new fantasy novel for children 9-12 years old and other fans of the genre, is available on Amazon.com and Kindle. Please visit Liberthson.com for more information. See you at the reading! (Light refreshments provided.)
San Francisco NatureEducation leads Birding for Everyone! in SF Botanical Garden all year round!
First Saturdays Every Month
Next one is October 6, 10am-noon
SF Botanical Garden, Golden Gate Park
Naturalist will lead a hike through the exciting microhabitats of the SF Botanical Garden and spot a variety ofbirds!
Meet in front of the bookstore inside the main gate of the SF Botanical Garden, Golden Gate Park (MLK Drive near 9th Ave. at Lincoln)
Please bring binoculars if you have them.
Adults $10, no one turned away for lack of funds!
Contact Anastasia Marin at anastasiamarin@sfnature.org or 415-387-9160 for more information. www.sfnature.org
Proposition F - to restore Yosemite
(click above, or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh-E23h-DuM&feature=youtu.be)
This ad is designed to remind San Francisco voters of their leadership on environmental issues, but also point out that the city is last in the state in terms of water recycling. We know that if enough people are educated about the lack of sustainable water practices we can win the campaign. We also know that young voters - our base - are best reached via the internet and emails.
We need to raise another $15,000 by Friday in order to complete our internet media buy. Please help us win by making a contribution of $250, $100 or $50 today.
Visit www.yosemiterestoration.org
to make an online donation or call 415-956-0401 and we will process your contribution over the phone
Planet Drum is putting on a debate about prop F: "Water Sustainability and Environmental Restoration"
http://www.planetdrum.org/events.htm tinyurl.com/SFPropF
Koret Auditorium, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco
Wednesday, October 10, 2012; 6:30 PM-
You are invited to attend a discussion and public debate about San Francisco’s Proposition F
“Water Sustainability and Environmental Restoration Act.” If passed, this proposition would:
1) Require the City to prepare a 2-phase plan to evaluate how to drain the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir and identify replacement water and power sources;
2) Allocate $8 million to pay for the plan and create a five-member task force to develop it;
3) Require the task force to complete the plan by November 1, 2015, and require the Board of Supervisors to consider placing on the ballot a Charter Amendment to approve the plan. -Taken from Ballotpedia
Speakers: Mike Marshall- Restore Hetch Hetchy (For the Proposition), Adrian Covert- Save Hetch Hetchy (Against the Proposition), Jason Mark- Earth Island Institute (Moderator)
9. Barry Commoner
Scientist, Candidate and Planet Earth's Lifeguard
Everything is connected to everything else.
Everything must go somewhere.
Nature knows best.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
Although the rules were plain enough, the thinking behind them required leaps of faith. Dr. Commoner’s overarching concern was not ecology as such but rather a radical ideal of social justice in which everything was indeed connected to everything else. Like some other left-leaning dissenters of his time, he believed that environmental pollution, war, and racial and sexual inequality needed to be addressed as related issues of a central problem.
10. If you want to help save Kezar Gardens.....
We launched a petition on causes.com to gather support for the center to remain open. Please spread the word on this and sign it yourself. You do need a Facebook account to sign-FYI.
11. Bartram Nursery Nation's Oldest Botanical Garden - ABC News
He was America's first botanist, and his garden is still one of the best.
John Bartram was called "the greatest natural botanist in the world" by no less than Carl Linnaeus, who in the 18th century devised our system for classifying plants.
Bartram's garden is a convenient stop during a visit to Philadelphia, just minutes from the Liberty Bell.
12. The Wisdom of Psychopaths - What Psychopaths Teach Us about How to Succeed
We can learn a lot from psychopaths. Certain aspects of their personalities and intellect are often hallmarks of success
Traits that are common among psychopathic serial killers—a grandiose sense of self-worth, persuasiveness, superficial charm, ruthlessness, lack of remorse and the manipulation of others—are also shared by politicians and world leaders. Individuals, in other words, running not from the police. But for office. Such a profile allows those who present with these traits to do what they like when they like, completely unfazed by the social, moral or legal consequences of their actions.
If you are born under the right star, for example, and have power over the human mind as the moon over the sea, you might order the genocide of 100,000 Kurds and shuffle to the gallows with such arcane recalcitrance as to elicit, from even your harshest detractors, perverse, unspoken deference.
“Do not be afraid, doctor,” said Saddam Hussein on the scaffold, moments before his execution. “This is for men.”
If you are violent and cunning, like the real-life “Hannibal Lecter” Robert Maudsley, you might take a fellow inmate hostage, smash his skull in and sample his brains with a spoon as nonchalantly as if you were downing a soft-boiled egg. (Maudsley, by the way, has been cooped up in solitary confinement for the past 30 years, in a bulletproof cage in the basement of Wakefield Prison in England.)
Or if you are a brilliant neurosurgeon, ruthlessly cool and focused under pressure, you might, like the man I'll call Dr. Geraghty, try your luck on a completely different playing field: at the remote outposts of 21st-century medicine, where risk blows in on 100-mile-per-hour winds and the oxygen of deliberation is thin. “I have no compassion for those whom I operate on,” he told me. “That is a luxury I simply cannot afford. In the theater I am reborn: as a cold, heartless machine, totally at one with scalpel, drill and saw. When you're cutting loose and cheating death high above the snowline of the brain, feelings aren't fit for purpose. Emotion is entropy—and seriously bad for business. I've hunted it down to extinction over the years.”
Geraghty is one of the U.K.'s top neurosurgeons—and although, on one level, his words send a chill down the spine, on another they make perfect sense. Deep in the ghettoes of some of the brain's most dangerous neighborhoods, the psychopath is glimpsed as a lone and merciless predator, a solitary species of transient, deadly allure. No sooner is the word out than images of serial killers, rapists and mad, reclusive bombers come stalking down the sidewalks of our minds.
But what if I were to paint you a different picture? What if I were to tell you that the arsonist who burns your house down might also, in a parallel universe, be the hero most likely to brave the flaming timbers of a crumbling, blazing building to seek out, and drag out, your loved ones? Or that the kid with a knife in the shadows at the back of the movie theater might well, in years to come, be wielding a rather different kind of knife at the back of a rather different kind of theater?
Claims like these are admittedly hard to believe. But they're true. Psychopaths are fearless, confident, charismatic, ruthless and focused. Yet, contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily violent. Far from its being an open-and-shut case—you're either a psychopath or you're not—there are, instead, inner and outer zones of the disorder.
....“Intellectual ability on its own is just an elegant way of finishing second,” one successful CEO told me. “Remember, they don't call it a greasy pole for nothing. The road to the top is hard. But it's easier to climb if you lever yourself up on others. Easier still if they think something's in it for them.”
Jon Moulton, one of London's most successful venture capitalists, agrees. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, he lists determination, curiosity and insensitivity as his three most valuable character traits.
No prizes for guessing the first two. But insensitivity? The great thing about insensitivity, Moulton explains, is that “it lets you sleep when others can't.”
(Opening and closing paragraphs of article published in Scientific American October 2012 - Adapted from The Wisdom of Psychopaths, by Kevin Dutton)
13. Feedback
On Sep 29, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Paul Castleman wrote:
In case you didn't know, the David Ignatow poem to his daughter Yaedi is a repeat, but well worth it. His life story is also interesting. As the poem suggests, he was a bit of a curmudgeon.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Bill Shepard wrote:
If you want to know more about Edwin Wilson, read Peter Maas' Manhunt, a really fascinating non-fiction thriller about Wilson.
Always like reading your newsletter. . . .
10. Edwin P. Wilson, gunrunner and manager of CIA front companies, died on September 10th, aged 84
On Oct 1, 2012, at 4:20 PM, Peter Brastow wrote:
Re CNN, let's just be clear that if CNN is "unbiased," it may be in the Democratic Party vs. Republican Party context. Fine, considering both seem to be of the same ilk at least with respect to money in politics.
That does not, however, mean that they are unbiased with respect to the question of, for example, capitalism vs. socialism, or conservation vs. ecological destruction. Regarding the latter, any sane human being should want them to be biased, eh?
This whole question of bias is a sticky one.
My main motivation for posting that item was my concern about news sources available to the public. The concentration of economic and media power is frightening. I have trouble deciphering your thoughts. Sticking to the contents of the article, I thought the following paragraphs were clear:
Fox News assures conservative viewers that Democrats’ gaffes fall in the former category, and Republicans’ in the latter. MSNBC, vice versa. CNN tries to be fair. Viewers hate that. Its ratings in America are sliding, while Fox and MSNBC are doing well.
...When the news is about words rather than action, however, CNN struggles. Conservative viewers like to hear Fox’s Bill O’Reilly fume about “far-left loons”. Liberals like to hear MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow condescend to conservatives. Gasbags in a studio are cheaper than camera crews in the Middle East, which may be why CNN’s profit margins (around 37%) are less than MSNBC’s (46%) and Fox’s (55%).
Does it concern you that those who cater to our prejudices are the ones who are making the money? Or are you indifferent to your own biases and those of the left? Think about that "Gasbags in the studio are cheaper than camera crews in the Middle East." How are we to make things better if we're unwilling to look at our own prejudices? We're in an echo chamber and we tend to read things that confirm our opinions rather than having them challenged. The internet is reinforcing that, and has much to do with the polarization that characterizes the world today. It can ruin us.
On Oct 2, 2012, at 1:10 PM, Peter Brastow wrote:
Hmm, well, we seem to have this problem that I communicate in shorthand so to speak and thus have difficulty making myself understood.
My point is that which I tried to say initially: if Fox and MSNBC are biased as compared to CNN, they are biased in the Democratic Party vs. Republican Party context, which is only a slice of the political spectrum. It happens to be the one that we hear about constantly, but it's not representative of some absolutist "Conservative" vs. "Liberal" mentality irrespective of political party.
I guess my point also is that CNN is not occupying some holy middle that is unbiased in the context of the larger questions of power relations, injustice, corporate control of the media and politics and all the rest. CNN may be more boring than either MSNBC or Fox, but that's not the reason that I don't watch them. I don't watch them for the same reason that I go crazy reading the San Francisco Chronicle or New York Times, that the language used and the assumptions made take for granted that our social economic system is what it is and it's basically okay. It's kind of like the tone of NPR. You get the feeling that all is basically fine in the world, it's just the edges that need some tidying up.
Am I still being obtuse?
Yes and no. I get the points you're making, but you're trying to expand the article beyond its modest intent, which is to make the point that there's more money to be made by catering to the prejudices of viewers rather than trying to inform us. More of us watch Fox and MSNBC than CNN. There is a lesson there for all of us--you and me, friend. Jake
A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. HL Mencken
A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary
On Oct 2, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Tom Parker wrote:
Hi Jake: I’d like to respond to your comments about the Franciscan manzanita. The model that serpentine endemics are ‘poor competitors’ is an old and now tired model that doesn’t reflect current concepts. Serpentine endemics have adapted to a very stressful soil under fairly strong natural selection. That’s why they’re endemics. They haven’t ‘retreated’ there, they have invaded those soils, and in the process of adaptation, are now more restricted. They are very competitive on serpentine, less so on other substrates. Riparian plants are not very “competitive” upslope, nor are the upslope species very “competitive” in the riparian zone against willows and alders. No need to denigrate a species because it’s not adapted to all things. That said, the Franciscan manzanita probably didn’t need to be rushed into listing, for some of the reasons you cynically proposed. On the other hand, grant dollars are more available to manage listed species than rare, but unlisted, species. Tom Parker
Tom: I shouldn't argue with an ecologist; however, I need convincing on the 'retreat' business, w/o denigrating the plant's accomplishment at adapting to the serpentine. If it doesn't occur on non-serpentine substrates, and occurs in very limited numbers on serpentine (w/o knowing why it is limited in numbers), doesn't that argue for being a weak competitor on non-serpentine?
As to more funds being available to a listed species, that can be an important item in some cases. The Natural Areas Program budget will never be sufficient to take on that kind of project in my time. Funding would not provide for hiring extra staff, which is key, nor would it provide for ongoing maintenance. Possibly the Presidio may be interested, but it is already doing recovery on its own. And, of course, without documentation of its ever having occurred on non-serpentine, it wouldn't be appropriate. (BTW, there used to be a serpentine lens on Mt Davidson that got scraped off for housing. That is doubtless where the manzanita occurred. There is no support for its having occurred on non-serpentine.)
On Oct 2, 2012, at 4:10 PM, Tom Parker wrote:
Well, there are herbarium records from Mt. Davidson, so while it’s strange substrates, it’s not serpentine. The Franciscan manzanita dominated the cemeteries in the western part of the city before they were exterminated, so I wouldn’t say it occurs in ‘very limited numbers’ although that’s certainly true today. What I was objecting to was your attitude about a perfectly excellent plant. Just because it’s adapted to serpentine and isn’t as potentially competitive on other substrates doesn’t mean it’s a non-competitive plant. That’s why I gave you the riparian example. I don’t think you’d ever accuse an alder of being a miserable, non-competitive plant that has to retreat to riparian zones because it can’t make it anywhere else; I think you’d immediately recognize that it’s a plant adapted to certain circumstances within which it’s quite effective. The Franciscan manzanita can make it on other substrates, it’s in my yard on crappy thin-soiled shale on a south-facing slope and the two plants are acting like it’s the best thing ever, much faster to establish and get going that the Hooker’s manzanita, Island manzanita, Monterey manzanita, Refugio manzanita, Dune manzanita or Edmund’s manzanita. More like the cultivar of Uva-Ursi in the yard. “Weak” competitors is a relative turn. You don’t see Arctostaphylos glandulosa, A. canescens or C. cuneatus invading serpentine on Mt. Tam. They can’t make it against A. montana or C. jepsonii. “Weak-competitor” is a way of viewing things from a certain perspective, kind of like a Republican saying ‘let them go bankrupt’. In contrast, these are simply differentially adapted plants, amazing for the rigors of what they can survive (like the high lead soils associated with Doyle Drive for the last 30 or 40 years or so).
The other important point is I’m not denying there aren’t more important plants to try and list, just because this one was already within the Presidio and they have to treat it as a rare plant. You could probably get that organization you mentioned to sue F&W for other species.
Hooboy, I know better than to tell a mother her child is ugly or inferior--yet I walked right into it.
Or, better--I always say never get between a grizzly sow and her cub. Lucky I only got swiped with a paw.
So - now I'm a Republican, saying "let them go bankrupt", a Paul Ryan. Whew! Better watch what I say to those manzanita guys. :-)
“In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.” H.L. Mencken
14. Presidio Environmental Cleanup - Mountain Lake
Public Information Walks
Join Presidio Trust staff for a walk and discussion about plans for the remediation and enhancement of Mountain Lake. Enhancement of the area surrounding Mountain Lake began in 2001 and is ongoing. In November 2012, the Presidio Trust will begin cleanup of the lake by dredging contaminated sediment. Additional enhancement activities in and around the lake will follow. Learn about upcoming improvements to one of the few remaining natural lakes in San Francisco from project managers and staff.
Thursday, October 11, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Saturday, October 13, 10:00 – 11:30 am
Meet at the playground at the lake’s south shore.
Community Information Session
Join the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the Presidio Trust, and Caltrans for an Information Session to learn more about impacts of the current work and upcoming dredging on the Mountain Lake community.
Thursday, October 18, 2012, 7:00 pm
Golden Gate Club, 135 Fisher Loop, Presidio of San Francisco
Learn more about the project >>
For more information, contact the Presidio Trust at 415-561-5331.
15. Parnassus Community Workshop about UCSF’s next Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) on:
Wednesday, October 10, @ 7:00 PM
Millberry Union Conference Center
500 Parnassus Avenue
16. NERT training is a FREE, hands on, 20 hour training for all people who live and work in San Francisco. Our training allows individuals, their families, neighbors and friends to be resilient, to be ready for any emergency with confidence in their training if and when we will need to take care of ourselves and our families.
We bring three new training opportunities at this time and thank you for your support in helping us get the message out so the as many people as possible learn about this training.
Potrero Hill
St. Teresa Church
Connecticut @ 19th Street
Tuesdays 6:30PM – 9:30PM
October 9 : Class 1
October 16: Class 2
October 23: Class 3
October 30: Class 4
November 7, Weds:Class 5
November 13, Tues:Class 6
San Francisco State University
800 Font Blvd.
Two Day Intensive!
Tuesdays 8:30am-5:30PM
October 9: Class 1, 2, and 3 - (In the Conference Center)
October 16: Class 4, 5, and 6 (In the Tower Conference Center
Parking - Garage 20 on October 9th & October 16th.
Personal Readiness Workshop
October 24
Wednesday, 6PM – 8PM
Intersection for the Arts
925 Mission St. (near 5th St.) SF
Tell your family, friends, co-workers to come to this workshop to learn more about the NERT program.
** To enroll -Call 970-2024 or – http://www.sf-fire.org/index.aspx?page=879 and provide Name, Phone & Number.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lt. Erica Arteseros, Program Coordinator, Neighborhood Emergency Response Team at 415-970-2022 or email her aterica.arteseros@sfgov.org.
17. THE SCICURIOUS BRAIN: Ignobel Prize in Medicine: Beware the Exploding Colon
The complications of colonoscopies can be more than just mere discomfort
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